“It takes a strong person to remain single in a world that is accustomed to settling with anything just to say they have something.”
I recently turned 29. Yes, almost 30. Wow. I sometimes wonder if 18-year-old Elri could see me if she’d be disappointed. I also thought at 29 I would at least have my first child. Now, I don’t even want children!
How dreams change when we grow up hey? To be honest, I don’t really think I’m ready to find love. Where do couples even find the time? My plate feels so full right now, not that I’m complaining, I’m working on myself and my future. But damn, don’t you ever look at some people and see their relationships and think, “No, this is unreal.”
Turning 29, came with some jokes, about almost being 30 and not married. Maybe it was supposed to hurt. But honestly, I had so many friends getting divorced this year, that I couldn’t even imagine standing in their shoes.
Love is scary! You’re lying to yourself if you think otherwise. You’re giving someone so much power to make or break you. How many times have we not heard that a husband/wife rolled over in bed one day looked at their spouse, and decided they didn’t love them anymore?
My 2021 goal, is mainly to fall in love with myself again. Learn to be happy on my own. Society has tricked us into thinking single life is a disgrace after 25. No, it’s not!
Listen if you found your soulmate, good for you! We are all happy and routing for you. But a relationship doesn’t make you what you are.
Take a risk, get to know yourself, depend on yourself! Life a Rebel Life!
Love will find you when you’re both ready, till then live your best Rebel life!
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