How many times have you heard someone say, they don’t go to church because the people there are too judgmental? If you don’t have the right look you get stared at. If you have a rough past, no one will reach out to befriend you.
The leadership of a church should symbolize the pillar of strength and love but are often the ones passing judgment on to new members or the person coming to ask for help.
Divorce, depression, homosexuality even the color of your skin, will determine where you fall in the social class of the church.
Many members of the church struggle with depression with no help only judgment.
“Your faith is weak”
For how can you have depression if you have faith? God is the light. He truly is. But does that mean He doesn’t go into the darkness of our souls and love us? Does God only live in the fancy rich neighborhood, having fun, laughing happily while turning a blind eye to His children’s hurt and sadness?
Church hurt can cut you to the core. Much like our parents, we see church leaders as having authority. We look to them to lead us and shepherd us well. We trust them with our hearts and with our areas of vulnerability. Every time they scare us off, they manipulate, shame, and reject.
His children are a reflection of God. We are the reason so many question God’s existent.
I’ll be honest. The process of healing from church hurt is not easy. It can be hard to face the pain. It can be hard to disentangle the God who loves you from the misrepresentation of God by an unhealthy leader. Understandably, many people get angry and stay bitter. Others decide to leave the church altogether.
If you’re struggling with the pain of church hurt or if a church misrepresented God to you through toxic, abusive actions or words, please know you are not alone. You are still in the center of God’s love AND God’s justice.
Separate the Church Hurt from God’s Character. God loves. He believes in justice, mercy, and humility. God is for the poor, peacemakers, grief-stricken, and broken-hearted. God is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
It’s okay to set boundaries with your church. You are there to learn more about God. And also, to show others God’s character. Your relationship with God is personal and no one should tell you how it should be.
You are never alone in the miraculous power of God’s love.